Computer Science

    [운영체제] 공룡책🦖 ch07. Synchronization Examples

    Reference 1. Abraham Silberschatz, Greg Gagne, Peter B. Galvin - Operating System Concepts (2018) 2. Operating System class by Professor Sukyong-Choi at Korea University 3. 혼자 공부하는 컴퓨터구조 + 운영채재 (강민철) 중요한 내용 위주로 요약 && 정리했습니다. 7.1 Classical Problems of Synchronization concurrency-control problems Bounded-Buffer problem (유한 버퍼 문제) Readers and Writers Problem (읽기 쓰기 문제) Dining-Philosophers Problem (..

    [운영체제] 공룡책🦖 ch06. Synchronization Tools

    Reference 1. Abraham Silberschatz, Greg Gagne, Peter B. Galvin - Operating System Concepts (2018) 2. Operating System class by Professor Sukyong-Choi at Korea University 3. 혼자 공부하는 컴퓨터구조 + 운영채재 (강민철) 중요한 내용 위주로 요약 && 정리했습니다. 목차 Background The Critical-Section Problem Peterson’s solution Hardware Support for Synchronization Mutex Locks Semaphores Monitors Liveness Evaluation race condition : shar..

    [운영체제] 공룡책🦖 ch05. CPU Scheduling

    Reference 1. Abraham Silberschatz, Greg Gagne, Peter B. Galvin - Operating System Concepts (2018) 2. Operating System class by Professor Sukyong-Choi at Korea University 3. 혼자 공부하는 컴퓨터구조 + 운영채재 (강민철) 중요한 내용 위주로 요약 && 정리했습니다. 목차 Basic Concepts Scheduling Criteria Scheduling Algorithms Tread Scheduling Multi-Processor Scheduling Real-Time CPU Scheduling Operating Ststems Examples Algorithm Evaluat..

    [컴퓨터 구조] Ch7. Microarchitecture

    Refrence : David Harris, Sarah Harris - Digital Design and Computer Architecture Topics Performance Analysis Single-Cycle Processor Pipelined Processor Exceptions Advanced Microarchitecture 7.1 Introduction Microarchitecture : 하드웨어에 architectrue를 구현 (1) Single-cycle : 각 명령어가 한 번에 single cycle로 실행 (2) Multicycle : 각 명령어들이 여러 cycle로 실행 (3) Pipelined : 각 명령어들이 여러 cycle로, 여러 개의 명령어들이 동시에 실행, 파이프라인으로..

    [Cloud computing] 6. Parallel & Distributed

    Reference 1. Thomas Erl_ Zaigham Mahmood_ Ricardo Puttini - Cloud Computing_ Concepts, Technology & Architecture-Prentice Hall, 2. Cloud Computing class by Professor Heonchang-Yu of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Korea University 3. Open Source material :, WEEK 5 - APPLICATION OF PETRI NETS cloud comtuting의 major milestone 세 가지 mainframe computing cl..

    [운영체제] 공룡책🦖 ch04. Threads & Concurrency

    Reference 1. Abraham Silberschatz, Greg Gagne, Peter B. Galvin - Operating System Concepts (2018) 2. Operating System class by Professor Sukyong-Choi at Korea University 중요한 내용 위주로 요약 && 정리했습니다. 목차 Overview Multicore Programming Multithreading Models Thread Libraries Implicit Threading Threading Issues Operating System Examples 현대 운영체제는 한 process가 다중 스레드를 포함합니다. 따라서 다중 CPU를 제공하는 multicore system..

    [Cloud computing] 5. Virtualization

    Reference 1. Thomas Erl_ Zaigham Mahmood_ Ricardo Puttini - Cloud Computing_ Concepts, Technology & Architecture-Prentice Hall 2. Cloud Computing class by Professor Heonchang-Yu of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Korea University 3. Xen으로 배우는 가상화 기술의 이해 - 메모리 가상화 -박은병, 김태훈, 이상철, 문대혁 지음 중요한 내용 위주로 요약 & 정리했습니다. Virtualization secure, customizable and isolated execution enviro..

    [데이터베이스] Chapter 15. Query Processing

    Reference 1. Database System Concepts-Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, S. Sudarshan 2. Database System class by Professor Yon Dohn Chung, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Korea University 중요한 내용 위주로 요약 & 정리하였습니다. 목차 Overview Mesasures of Query Cost Selection Operation Sorting Join Operation Other Operations Evaluation of Expressions 1. Overview Basic Steps in Query Processing Pa..