Computer Science

    [데이터베이스] Chapter 19. Recovery System

    Reference 1. Database System Concepts-Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, S. Sudarshan 2. Database System class by Professor Yon Dohn Chung, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Korea University 중요한 내용 위주로 요약 & 정리하였습니다. Topic Failure Classification Storage Structure Recovery and Atomicity Log-Based Recovery Checkpointing 19.1 Failure Classification Transaction failure : logical error, ..

    [Cloud computing] 9. Global States

    Reference 1. Thomas Erl_ Zaigham Mahmood_ Ricardo Puttini - Cloud Computing_ Concepts, Technology & Architecture-Prentice Hall, 2. Cloud Computing class by Professor Heonchang-Yu of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Korea University Global states Distributed garbage collection DS 내에서 더 이상 아무 곳에서도 참조되지 않으면 garbage garbage check → 시스템 내에서 해당 개체에대한 참조가 없는지, process 사이에서의 참조 확인 D..

    [Cloud computing] 8. Logical Clock

    Reference 1. Thomas Erl_ Zaigham Mahmood_ Ricardo Puttini - Cloud Computing_ Concepts, Technology & Architecture-Prentice Hall, 2. Cloud Computing class by Professor Heonchang-Yu of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Korea University 3. Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System - Leslie Lamport Concepts of Time and Clocks 한 system 내에서 틀린 clock 값이더라도 상관없이..

    [Cloud computing] 7. Models

    Reference 1. Thomas Erl_ Zaigham Mahmood_ Ricardo Puttini - Cloud Computing_ Concepts, Technology & Architecture-Prentice Hall, 2. Cloud Computing class by Professor Heonchang-Yu of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Korea University Physical Model : 시스템을 가장 명확하게 기술하는 방법 Architectural model : 컴퓨팅 요소에 의해 수행되는 계산 및 통신 시스템 Fundamental model : 분산형 시스템의 개별 측면을 조사하기 위한 추상 모델 (intera..

    [데이터베이스] Chapter 18. Concurrency Control

    Reference 1. Database System Concepts-Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, S. Sudarshan 2. Database System class by Professor Yon Dohn Chung, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Korea University 중요한 내용 위주로 요약 & 정리하였습니다. Topic Lock-Based Protocols Timestamp-Based Protocols Validation-Based Protocols Multiple Granularity Multiversion Schemes - snapshot isolation 18.1 Lock-Based Protocols..

    [데이터베이스] Chapter 17. Transaction

    Reference 1. Database System Concepts-Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, S. Sudarshan 2. Database System class by Professor Yon Dohn Chung, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Korea University Topic Transaction Concept Transaction State Concurrent Executions Serializability Recoverability Implementation of Isolation Transacton Definition in SQL Testing for Serializability 17.1 Transa..

    [데이터베이스] Chapter 16. Query Optimization

    Reference 1. Database System Concepts-Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, S. Sudarshan 2. Database System class by Professor Yon Dohn Chung, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Korea University 중요한 내용 위주로 요약 & 정리하였습니다. 이번 글만 특별히 수식이 많아 이미지로 대체했습니다 목차 Introduction Transformation of Relational Expressions Catalog Information for Cost Estimation Statistical Information for Cost Estimatio..

    [운영체제] 공룡책🦖 ch08. Deadlocks

    Reference 1. Abraham Silberschatz, Greg Gagne, Peter B. Galvin - Operating System Concepts (2018) 2. Operating System class by Professor Sukyong-Choi at Korea University 3. 혼자 공부하는 컴퓨터구조 + 운영채재 (강민철) 중요한 내용 위주로 요약 && 정리했습니다. 목차 System Model Deadlock in Multithreaded Applications Deadlock Methods for Handling Deadlocks Deadlock Prevention Deadlock Avoidance Deadlock Detection Recovery from Deadlo..