Computer Science
[Cloud computing] 3. Architecture
Reference 1. Thomas Erl_ Zaigham Mahmood_ Ricardo Puttini - Cloud Computing_ Concepts, Technology & Architecture-Prentice Hall 2. Cloud Computing class by Professor Heonchang-Yu of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Korea University 중요한 내용 위주로 요약 & 정리했습니다. 목차 Cloud Reference Model Differences among SaaS, IaaS and PaaS Combining Cloud Reference Models Types of Clouds 1. Cloud R..
[Cloud computing] 2. Model
Reference 1. Thomas Erl_ Zaigham Mahmood_ Ricardo Puttini - Cloud Computing_ Concepts, Technology & Architecture-Prentice Hall 2. Cloud Computing class by Professor Heonchang-Yu of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Korea University 중요한 내용 위주로 요약 & 정리했습니다. 목차 Roles and Boundaries Data Center Technology Virtualization technology Multitenant Technology Basic Principle of Cloud C..
[Cloud computing] 1. Concepts
Reference 1. Thomas Erl_ Zaigham Mahmood_ Ricardo Puttini - Cloud Computing_ Concepts, Technology & Architecture-Prentice Hall 2. Cloud Computing class by Professor Heonchang-Yu of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Korea University 중요한 내용 위주로 요약 & 정리했습니다. 목차 Concept of cloud computing Basic Concepts and Terminology Goals and Benefits Risks and Challenges 1. Concept of Cloud C..
[데이터베이스] Ch 14. Indexing(2) - ch24. 내용 추가 : Hashing, Spatio-temporal Indexing
Reference 1. Database System Concepts-Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, S. Sudarshan 2. Database System class by Professor Yon Dohn Chung, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Korea University 24.5 Hash Indices Static Hashing bucket : entries들을 저장하는 storage unit hash function을 이용한 search-key값을 통해 entry의 bucket을 얻는다. hash function, h가 search-key set K를 bucket address set B로 변환시킨다. In ..
[데이터베이스] Ch 14. Indexing(1) - Clustering, Non-clustering Index, B+ Tree Index Files
Reference 1. Database System Concepts-Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, S. Sudarshan 2. Database System class by Professor Yon Dohn Chung, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Korea University 중요한 내용 위주로 요약 & 정리하였습니다. 목자 Basic Concepts Orderd Indices B+Tree Index Files B-Tree Index Files Hashing (ch24) Spatio-Temporal Indexing (ch24) 14.1 Basic concepts Indexing 기술은 원하는 data에 빠르게 접근하..
[컴퓨터 구조] Ch6. Architecture (3) - Addressing Mode, Odds & Ends
Addressing Modes Operand(피연산자)의 주소를 나타내는 방법에는 총 아래의 5가지가 있습니다. Register only Immediate Base Addressing PC-Relative Oseudo Direct 1. Register Only Operands found in register ex) add $s0, $t2, #t3 ex) sub $t8, $s1, $0 2. Immediate 16-bit immediate used as an operand ex) addi $s4, $t5, -73 ex) ori $t3, $t7, 0xFF 3. Base Addressing base address + sign-extended immediate ex) lw $s4, 72($0) ⇒ address ..
[컴퓨터 구조] Ch6. Architecture (2) - Programming
여기서는 위에서 살펴본 assembly code, machine code로 high-level software constructs를 구현하는 방법을 소개합니다. (if/else, for loops, while loops, arrays, function calls) Logical Instructions and, or, xor, nor = R-type andi, ori, xori = I-type Example Shift Instructions sll : shirt left logical ⇒ sll $t0, $t1, 5 # $t0 5 Variable Shift Instructions sllv : shift left lofical varialble srlv : shfit right logical variable..
[컴퓨터 구조] Ch6. Architecture (1) - Assembly Language, Machine Language
Refrence : David Harris, Sarah Harris - Digital Design and Computer Architecture 목차 Assembly Language Machine Language Programming Addrssing Modes Compiling, Assembiling, Loading Odds and Ends Introduction Architecture : instructions와 operand locations들로 정의된다. ISA : Instruction set architecture Microarchitecture : Architecture를 하드웨어로 구현하는 방식 Instruction : Computer의 언어로 내리는 명령어 1. Assembly Langua..